March 9, 2022 | by Tess
Chronic pain is commonly known as an "invisible illness." There is very little information known and everyone’s pain is unique. Over the past 5 years when explaining to people about New Daily Persistent Headache (NDPH), I usually get two reactions– people who understand what I am going through and people who tell me to take an Advil and get on with my day. There are millions of people who have to live with a condition like this and retrain their body to function with pain. While we know not everyone will understand our condition, there are some things we wish people would understand. Here are three things many chronic pain sufferers wish people know about chronic pain.
1- Yes, I am constantly in pain
One thing that people have a hard time comprehending is that I am constantly in pain, 24/7. I usually get a reaction of “you don’t seem that way” or “but you are acting normal.” This is because everyone hides their pain differently. Chronic pain sufferers have learned to mask their pain in order to live a functioning life.
2- Just because I am able to function at a high level one day doesn’t mean I will always be like that
Chronic pain is very draining. One day I will feel great (at my baseline level) and the next day I will wake up with a throbbing headache. A pain management technique I frequently use is distraction; if I have a lot to do, I don’t think about my pain as much. Some days I will be busy the whole day, taking needed breaks. Other days, I will have a spike in my headache and take it easy for the rest of the day. Chronic pain is different each day. Some days I will be at my high and other days I will be at my low.
3- Yes, there will be times when I have to cancel plans because I am not feeling well
When I was first diagnosed with NDPH, I always felt guilty when I had to cancel plans because of my headache. I did not tell my friends about my condition, so I would find another excuse. After living with NDPH for 5 years, I now know that I should never feel guilty for prioritizing my health.
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